Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Lost Post rescued from the ether...

Ahem, I must apologise to readers for the lack of general bloggery on this site, in what is supposed to be a period of active BigTripping.

My excuses include lack of access to the tinternet, and not having much to write about that's of any interest to anyone but me.

For instance, I'm sitting in Ambleside Public Library, and it's a gloomy day in the Lakes. However, I've just had 3 days of perfect weather in Langdale, camping at the NT site. Climbed at Hodge Close, Langdale boulders, Scout Crag, and Flat Crags plus Cambridge Buttress on Bowfell and had an awesome time. I detect yawns out there....

However, I'm in danger of losing track of my own movements. So, for the sake of my own diarific records, I must stultify you further....

April 28 - May 5: Mallorca with Linda who claims to see tortoises. Pics below.

May 7-14: Dublin. Climbed at Dalkey; visited the Negrange and Knowth passage graves, drank Guinness, saw bands. Pics below.

16-18 May: Llanberis pass. Climbers' Club meet at the Des Res that is Nwys in the Pass itself. Climbed on Anglesey - True Moments/Freebird, Castell Helen (a long-standing ambition) and Dinas Cromlech (Cobweb Crack, Hoah's Warning, Cenotaph Corner) with CC types. Was good.

19 May: Soloed Slanting Buttress on Lliwedd and a Severe on some slabs I forget the name of, then drove to St David's in Pembroke to meet with Bully and Shoe, who are on the road here: (link to be added)

20 May: visited about 5 dolmens and a stone circle dotted around the Preseli Mountains in Pembrokeshire. This is where the bluestones at Stonehenge are supposed to have originated. As 'Meat and Two Veg' we won the pub quiz in the local that night.

21 May: Soloed Red Slab and did some new routes(more below), then went deep-water-soloing at Barrel Buttress - did about 6 routes including the 6c traverse.

22 May: Drove back to Llanberis to meet Tortoise Linda, who got lost because of Uncle Satnav.

22-29 May. Climbed some routes on slate and walked about in Ogwen. Went back to Macc to sort various thing out. Climbed at Back Forest. Went to Chester to socialise.

30 May...blah yawn who cares.

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