Thursday, April 20, 2006

La Paz, Bolivia

Arrived early evening after another epic bus journey - only 22h this time, but 3 changes and none of your huge bed-type seats. Never want to see a bus again. Found a decent hotel, en suite single for US$8 a night, and slept like a log. Now I feel brilliant.

La Paz is set in a huge gorge high on the Altiplano, at 3700m. You're rolling along an undulating green plain with dry stone walls (strangely, and mundanely, similar to the Flash neighbourhood of the Buxton - Leek road, except there are huge mountains up ahead).

A while after you hit urbanisation, the stunning sight of the huge, gorge-bound city, with the peak of Illimani in the background, pops out of nowhere. Amazing.

And all the old ladies wear tiny bowler hats.

Am feeling fit and up for something big and snowy, and have signed up for a fine conical peak called Huayni Potosi (another big moon behind it - the big-moon pics are not mine and I should take them off the site soon).


Anonymous said...

Excellent blog, John. I'm in awe of your writing discipline! It's still raining here, BTW, the dreariest winter I can remember, slightly leavened by an excellent week's skiing. Pales by comparison, obviously...

Readza's still cleaning new routes on Hen Cloud, if you're interested.

Unknown said...

Cheers Dave, but no discipline required, unlike writin` them pesky crag scripts...

So what`s Readza up to...surely not the death zone left of Bachelor`s LH...