Thursday, April 06, 2006

Interested in The Fall...

... but baffled by their prodigious output? Help is at hand...scroll down a little here:

Some people, including my bro, maintain that all their stuff sounds the same.

But I say this: locate Hex or Slates and lock yourself in a room, listening to the words until intrigued. This may not happen, but if it does you´re on your way, and all that other stuff they call music will begin to sound all the same.

Anyways, this website is an inceredible thing. Have a look around.

For instance, here´s JULIA ON WHAT IT´S LIKE TO BE IN:

The first gig was in London, with a crowd of over 2,000. I'd played with What?Noise supporting the Inspiral Carpets with crowds that size, but not as the main band. I revised my book of Fall material that I'd compiled, from bootleg live tapes of the songs the group had been playing in their set over the previous year, which amounted to over 50. The set list wasn't decided until the last minute, as is normal with The Fall. I'd worked out parts for each song, and programmed synth settings. The song arrangements were like modern jazz, all done through what seemed to me like an indecipherable yet beautiful telepathy, that I was determined to learn, but knew there was no way I would crack it in a first performance plus I was sooo nervous...

Scary, eh? 75% of the gigs are terrible, by the way.

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