Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Natimuk, NW Vic, Oz.

Arrived at the fabled Mt Arapiles yesterday, alleged at one time to be the Best Crag In The World. It looks like a bag of poo, a cowpat in the middle of this huge plain, but has been pretty good so far. Within seconds of arriving I hooked up with a guy from Sheffield, Matt, and so far have done 3 or 4 routes including the Gogarth Main Wall-esque Eurydice (18; not quite as much guano as Pentathol, and a way bonzer exped).

What was I saying about that small world? Jason, if you're reading this, Matt works at CCC in Sheff with Jenny. What are the chances...etc.

Had a brief detour to the Grampians, which are rather nice, and found some excellent bouldering and easy soloes at Mt Stapylton. There's been a big bush fire and it's all doom and gloom from the tourist dollar perspective. As a result, I had a bargain-priced hostel all to myself, and was able to grab way more dollars-worth of food from the 'free food' shelf than what the bed cost. Bonanza!

Back problems, which beset me since my disc popped while sitting badly on a dining chair at my Aunt Irene's bungalow near Sydney, have settled down following a rigorous programme of chiropractic intervention, gentle exercise and hours spent driving with a rolled-up Karrimat behind my lumbar region.

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