Sunday, January 03, 2010

Tonsai, Krabi province, Thailand
Luckily the local apes at Tonsai are benign dusky langurs rather than than them nasty crab-eating macaques.

Now over my first two rabies jabs, but went for a third today so will have to wait and see if I feel lurgy again afterwards. Next one in a week. Added to the rabies jabs, I've got Moby Dick. Linda gave it to me for Chistmas. Don't know which is worse.

Climbing well yesterday, on the excellent Thaiwand Wall at Railay. Best crag hereabouts. Linda bitten by a lizard, luckily small and non-poisonous. One-all. We can laugh about it now.

Deciding where to go next - Penang is odds-on favourite.

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