Friday, May 22, 2009

Gearing up. What stuff do you need to climb a sea-stack?

There was helpful, contradictory information from several sources to help us formulate a half-assed plan. There was ropework. There was guesswork. There was getting wet. There was getting lost. There were wide rounded cracks that you couldn't get any gear into. There was damp rock. There was a deckout situation. There were dry mouths (well one, at least). There was a howling wind and a big swell. There was blistering sunshine on one side, and freezing shade on the other. There were 15 rusted-shut locking karabiners on the summit abseil anchor. There was daft abseiling into space, and briefly, a terrifying Tony Kurtz moment. There was a second abseil off the worst pegs I've ever seen that weren't acually broken. A grand day out was had by all.  
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