Friday, March 21, 2008

These guys are good, and they do live shows for free in Barcelona parks. They are hugely talented and the stuff they do is rich and current. They just turn up and paint over last weeks masterpiece, and create a new one in an afternoon.

So why can't they get a grant and go to art school instead of wasting their lives on the street?

Well, they probably will. They are young, driven and
dedicated (those spray cans cost money), and their talent should be allowed to blossom. At art school they will be able to throw all that pointless representational stuff in the trash can, learn to talk post-modernist bollocks so they can pass exams, and write theses that develop pointless abstract ideas into pointless dead ends. Then they'll be able to get proper jobs as ticket attendants or bus drivers. And become old and cynical. Like me.

It's a great free show though, if you can stand the tension. Just watch out for the mild-mannered individuals hanging about on the park benches behind...they may be keen to engage you in conversation.
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