Monday, November 28, 2011

Antigua, Guatemala - one or two volcanoes around here, and have been up one of them. However, the red-hot lava promised by the tour agency had long since cooled. You can crawl ito lava-tubes that billow warm water vapour, and cook marshmallows in the vents. A good view of the neighbouring volcano of Fuego, which puffs out an occasional plume of smoke every now and again.

The Earth, we are told, has not yet finished cooling after 4.5 billion years. Hard to beleive for those native to the north of England, but here´s the evidence before our eye.

Or eyes, if you like plurals and cliches, though I draw the line at very.
And then Atitlan, quite good for a lake, allegedly said by Aldous Huxley to be the most beautiful in the world. I don´t know whether he ever saw the Padarn, or the gravel pit next to the steelworks in Barrow, but he may well be right.

Zip-wires through the jungle too. Caramba! Spider monkeys watch out!

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