Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wherever I lay my hat, that's my hat*

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It seems we missed the English summer while we were Euro-road-tripping in June and a bit of July. Since then, wherever I've lain my head (ie NW England and N Wales), that's been my pond. For 4 weeks solid. Moreover, this afternoon saw Cheshire's most severe storm in living memory - hail, thunder, species of domestic pet, buckets of brimstone, army-delaying-sized boulders, house-quaking quantities of heaven-sent wrath, and streets awash with blood and pus (hang on - cancel that last one, Keith Reid wrote that).

Reminded me of a good ol' Alpine storm in Val di Mello in June. One major difference: Alpine storm? All over in an evening and then you move on. Guaranteed sun next morning, regular as clockwork.

No such luck here. But pics don't lie - it did really happen...

*John Cooper Clarke

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