Saturday, April 02, 2011

The man in the corner shop is always good value.  I just moseyed down there to pick up the Saturday morning paper, as you do. Sifting through my change, I caught sight of a fleur-de-lys and think, that's strange, is this a coin of ther realm or some Euro-type change from my last trip to Spain? But it must be a 50p  - it's 50p-shaped. Flipping over the coin I see the Queen's head; flipping it back again there's the fleur-de-lys.

'Never seen that before - a French symbol on an English coin.' I squint in the dim light, making out some wording - 'Be prepared' - before realising it's not a celebration of the Camembert Republic, but something to do with Baden Powell and his Scouts - a centenary maybe.

'All good tender' says the shopkeeper, who's usually keen to engage you in his views on the state of the nation.

'Well, you never get anyone turning it down' I say, turning to escape before he pounces with the inevitable question 'What do you think of Cameron's pathetic little tiff with Clegg?', like a swordsman barring your exit until you spar your way out. 

But he doesn't say that, he just grins and says 'Do you buggery.'