Friday, February 19, 2010

A ton of snow in Cwm FFynnon Lloer - Broad Gully an easy snow-plod on Wednesday. Masses of snow on the summit of Pen-yr-Ole-Wen, the Glyders and Snowdon.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Phase 7 of Thailand / SE Asia (or phase 6b, depending on how you count Koh Pha Ngang and Koh Tao) draws to a close and it's our last day before flying home. It occurred to me today that I haven't washed up for 10 weeks; or cooked, cleaned or bought groceries that weren't for immediate consumption. However, I did make a cup of tea a few days ago.

I expect I'll get the hang of it all again by Monday morning...

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Koh Tao, Thailand: Bull Man vs Bull Shark

You never really know what to expect when people are expecting sharks. Folk get excited about your usual reef sharks, but they are generally pretty shy and harmless, and much less bulky than a man.

However, at 25m down at a deep-dive pinnacle with about 8m visibility things can feel a bit different. Plus, these specific sharks, bull sharks, fully the size of an American prop forward and five times as fast, have been known to have a bite at a calf muscle or two.

Kind of sobering, even if they didn't seem to be paying much attention to the humans with the silver tubes on their backs.