Sunday, December 09, 2007

Yes of course, I was...
And darkness was upon the deep...
Really it's grim up north in December, and it's raining so much I'm thinking of building an ark, just in case. This is the first time since 2004 that I've had to put up with it, having been in either Thailand or Laos the last 2 Decembers. Back in 2004, I had just been to Jordan for 3 weeks the preceding November, but December was grim and in January 2005 I gave in and went to the Red Sea for some diving.

A scheme is brewing along the same lines...after all you have to keep your oar in. the PADI rescue diver course might just be the antidote needed...

Friday, August 31, 2007

Simon, Kate and Will before a mass ascent of the excellent Pulpit Route (VD), Milestone Buttress, Snowdonia, 27 August. Though they have done tons of sport climbing, this was their first leads of a multi-pitch trad climb. I soloed around and helpfully gave advice on where to place gear, how to hold wires in your teeth while faffing about, what's a good cam placement, how to belay, etc etc. This meant I could zip off and do Rowan Tree Climb (VD) too, which was rubbish.
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Mr Jason Gleave on Saul's Crack at The Roaches, one evening a few weeks ago.
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Sunday, July 22, 2007

First ascents: Bullybones, 4 July 2007
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****1/2 Highly amusing account of a month-long drinking tour taking in the extremities of the British Isles and all points in between, including Burton-on-Trent, Tadcaster, Islay and various other Meccas of falling over. Informative too: I'd quote something right now, but I'm off to the pub.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Brtyer Lehter (V1), Leh Palace Crag
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A V.Diff in the Himalaya? Leh Lady Leh takes the corner, heading left at the top. Bryter Lehter (V1) traverses the OH on the right
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Leh Palace and hilltop gompa
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Tikse gompa
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Mani stones at the stupa, Tisaling (4398 m), where we camped on Day 3
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Heading down to Tsokar Lake, Day 3
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The team at Kymar La (4870 m), clockwise: Giom, Mina, Markesha, me
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Friendly local
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Setting up camp after Day 1
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